2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 8

Friday, our departure day from Banica and the up-country.  We are traveling back to Santo Domingo via the almost 6 hour bus ride for our flights home tomorrow. The team is ready to wind down and enjoy a restful day.

After a hot shower, sightseeing and some rest, the team met for dinner and team goodbyes at Jalao Restaurant, a restaurant known for Dominican food. Had an amazing dinner and celebrated George Bazaco’s 80th birthday!! Happy Birthday George!


Team taking a break for a picture.

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 6

Day 6 saw the team back in Banica, and holding a clinic in Los Cacaos. They saw over 110 patients and exhausted all the medicines they took to the DR, with one more clinic to go. Check out their day.

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Medical Missionaries May 2024

May flowers were blooming and Medical Missionaries was busy with the Caring Hearts Auction, sent containers overseas, partnered with other hospitals in Haiti — and that is only a taste. Read the rest in our newsletter.

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