Medical Missionaries Partners

Supporters are Medical Missionaries lifeblood.  We have been blessed by many generous organizations as they have supported us monetarily and in other ways.

We thank the businesses and organizations highlighted on this page as they support us live our mission of “People of all faiths helping the poorest of the poor”.  

Visit our Medical Missionaries Partnership page to find information on supporting Medical Missionaries. 

You can help us by:

  • Having your company donate to Medical Missionaries.
  • Donating via your company-match programs.  
  • Visiting business and letting them know you support Medical Missionaries.

Corporate Partners


Donations of $5000 or more 

Your company name here


Donations of $2000 to $4999

Your company name here


Donations of $500 to $1999

Dominion Energy
Matching Funds


Donations of $100 to $499 

Matching Funds
Matching Funds

Arm & Hammer Custom Carpentry

Community Partners

Business Partners

Medical Missionaries May 2024

May flowers were blooming and Medical Missionaries was busy with the Caring Hearts Auction, sent containers overseas, partnered with other hospitals in Haiti — and that is only a taste. Read the rest in our newsletter.

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