Annual Appeal Letter 2022

Dear Friends,

     I am writing to express my gratitude for your generosity, time and support. Throughout the year our communities were affected by financial insecurity, violent weather and the winding down of the pandemic. Medical Missionaries brought hope to many by providing food, clothing, medicines and other supplies and equipment. However, our work is not done as an overwhelming need persists. Our many programs are sustained by generous donors, supporters and volunteers like you!

     We have had a busy year with far reaching impact! Here is a summary of our accomplishments:

  • 10 sea containers with healthcare supplies and equipment shipped to Jamaica, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Congo and Cameroon.
  • 4,500 pounds of non-perishable food and household items collected for Rocklick Panty, Grundy, Va.
  • Three trailer loads of relief sent to tornado and flood victims in Kentucky.
  • Hygiene packs, new clothing, educational items, backpacks and sporting goods delivered to the Choctaw Nation Reservation in western Tennessee.
  • Healthcare supplies and equipment distributed locally and to West Virginia.
  • St. Joseph Clinic in Haiti saw over 25,000 patients and delivered over 500 babies. Midwives assisted with 2,000 village home deliveries. The starving children program, chronic disease program and 24/7 Emergency Room continues to operate daily despite current unrest in Haiti.
  • Our 25th Anniversary Year has been an impressive one for Medical Missionaries. We have participated in numerous public events, publications and interviews. We have been successful in broadening our reach among our partners, supporters and volunteers.


     As the year comes to an end, we are looking forward to the future and the continuation of our comprehensive programs. It is through your generous donations that this work is possible. With the creation of the Medical Missionaries Endowment Plan we hope to continue these programs indefinitely.

    We have many ways that you can support our work.   For information on the Medical Missionaries Endowment Plan and all our projects, please call 703-335-1800, email or check us out at  

     God bless you and your family and thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many people.


Gil Irwin, MD, President, Medical Missionaries

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Traveling Colonels – Updates

Colonel Monte Donard and his team of Traveling Colonels have been partneried with Medical Missionaries since 2023.  In this page we will share updates as we get them. 

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