Medical Missionaries January 2024

2024 is off to a strong start for Medical Missionaries! Our donors were generous during the holiday season and the generosity has continued in the new year. In this month’s newsletter we spotlight how your donations are being put to use everyday.

This month we share news from Haiti and St. Joseph Clinic. We also have updates on our continuing work with Ukraine, Jamaica and Grundy, Va.

Our first fundraising event of the year Super Bowl Squares, will culminate in the big game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers on February 11! Please purchase a square if you haven’t already. We are working on the next event, Caring Hearts Online Auction, which will launch in the spring.

Haiti Update

Independence Day: In honor of Haiti’s 220th Anniversary of Independence, Medical Missionaries sent wishes especially to the staff and people in the Thomassique area of Haiti, where St. Joseph Clinic has been serving the community for the past 16 years.

Haitian Independence Day is celebrated annually on January 1. Haiti made history by being the first country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery on January 1, 1804. Ancestors’ Day and Independence Day are commemorated on the first two days of the calendar year. January 2 honors the founders of the nation and the people who sacrificed their lives during the fight for independence. Haiti’s independence shattered the world’s understanding of liberty and freedom. The monumental event holds global historical significance that will continue for centuries to come.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry affirmed that in 2024 “we must do everything possible to put Haiti back on the path of democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law,” noting that the solution lies in creating a climate of peace so that elections can be held. He also addressed the problems of hunger, the omnipresence of gangs and the need for water for agriculture.

St. Joseph Clinic News: Medical Missionaries shipped an autoclave to Haiti in the last few months. An autoclave is a machine that is used to sterilize medical equipment. The staff has completed training and the new autoclave is use.

We are happy to report that there have been no cholera patients at the Clinic in the recent weeks. On a more somber note, there is a shortage of doctors in Haiti. Due to conditions on the ground many are choosing to move to the US when they have the opportunity. Still, even with the current government and rule of law instability in the country, people who live outside the Port-Au-Prince area are generally safe.

Parish Twinning Program of the Americas: Medical Missionaries participated in the recent online webinar hosted by the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas (PTPA), during which Director David Siler updated almost 100 partners on the current situation in Haiti. He is very positive, forward thinking and encouraging on the many ongoing projects in Haiti.

Village Vaccination Clinics: St. Joseph Clinic staff sent us these photos of their recent vaccinations clinics in the villages of Baranque and Nan Croix. Vaccinations for infants and children include Pentavalent (DPT, HepB, Hib), Polio, MMR and Rotovirus. In addition pregnant moms receive DT.

Medical Missionaries is grateful for the generous donors and supporters who make these clinics possible for people in the Thomassique area of Haiti.

Medical Missionaries 2024 Superbowl Squares Fundraiser!

Join our Superbowl Squares Fundaiser.  This page has all of the information needed to win!

Caring Hearts Online Auction - Save the Dates

This year’s Caring Hearts Online Auction begins April 26th and runs through May 12th.  We are looking for donations for the auction and bidders! 

Will update the website with more information in the coming weeks.  You can also subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on Facebook for the latest info.

Ongoing Food Drive for Grundy, Virginia

Medical Missionaries is always busy collecting food for the Rocklick Food Pantry in Grundy, Va. This was a busy month for food deliveries!

Our amazing volunteer, Carolyn L., stopped by with a car load of food, baby diapers and other needed items. The Stafford County Lion’s Club brought food and other essentials from their club members, private donors and St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Falmouth, Va. community. We received boxes of canned goods from ECHO, Springfield, Va and local folks stop by daily with bags of food.

All these donations are helping to fill the Medical Missionaries trailer that we plan to take to Grundy in February. Please be generous in the new year and drop off non-perishable food to support this community in Appalachia.

Supplies and Equipment In and Out

Ret. Col. Monte Dunard and Carolyn at the office.
Ret. Col. Monte Dunard and Carolyn at the office.

Ukraine: Ret. Col. Monte Dunard stopped at the Manassas office to share that he was leaving January 24th for his next trip to Ukraine via Poland. He has found that Air Canada will transport duffle bags full of medical supplies from Medical Missionaries and others at no charge from Dulles Airport to Poland. We salute Air Canada for this excellent support! He is hoping to meet a container that is on its way from Ohio with needed medical supplies. Medical Missionaries is proud to continue to support Col. Monte and the Traveling Colonels!

Jamaica: The Reverend Carlton Roman sent us these photos from his 2022 Jamaica Mission, which Medical Missionaries helped to support.

For his upcoming trip to Jamaica, Medical Missionaries has been collecting summer clothing, household supplies such as towels and blankets, hygiene packs and shoes. They also asked for crutches, walkers and 2 wheelchairs.

Local Community: Through rain, snow or shine, the Manassas office is open six days a week. Donated items are processed, boxed, labeled and stored to be used within the local community or for shipments to other countries. Our support of the local community continues to increase for items such as adult diapers, baby products such as formula, wheelchairs, commodes, shower chairs, etc. We donated an adapted wheelchair for a young child as requested by their school social worker.

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

Howard Zinn, American historian, playwright, philosopher, and World War II veteran.

Great NonProfits

Great Non Profits 2023 Award.Medical Missionaries earned the GreatNonProfits Top-Rated Badge for 2023!  Our collection of current reviews and up-to-date information allows people to read and share about our work and enables us to reach a larger community.

Anyone can write a review year round! We welcome your stories of how Medical Missionaries has impacted your lives!

Just click on this link. We would love to hear your story in 2024!

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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