Medical Missionaries Aug 2022

As summer comes to an end, the Medical Missionaries team reflects on a very busy summer! We partnered with the Rocklick Food Pantry to assist them with the relief effort for the flood victims in Kentucky.  Our always ready and very generous donors contributed to this effort and we were able to send two trailer loads for distribution to those in need.  We were also asked to help supply the Grundy area and the Choctaw Nation of Western Tennessee with school supplies and again, our donors stepped up in a big way.

Dr. Irwin visited the Choctaw Nation of Western Tennessee to deliver requested school supplies, sporting goods and school uniforms on his way to the Parish Twinning Conference in Nashville.  The focus of the conference will be on Haiti and Dr. Irwin is hopeful that the many people who will put their minds together there will offer valuable assistance to the people of this torn country.

Tickets will be on sale on September 6th for our 25th Anniversary event at Doukénie Winery which will be on October 16!  Also be on the lookout for ways to support this event by purchasing raffle tickets online for those who cannot make it to Doukénie.

Spotlight: Medical Missionaries Comes to the Aid of Kentucky Flood Victims

Medical Missionaries has been long term partners with the Rocklick Food Pantry team in Grundy, Va.  Rocklick recently switched gears to lead a relief effort for the victims of the recent floods in Kentucky and asked Medical Missionaries to partner with them in this effort. The worst of the devastation from the rain has been concentrated in roughly a half-dozen counties in the Appalachian region in Kentucky’s southeast, which is not far from Grundy. Those communities have been upended with severe damage to homes and families.

After reaching out to our “always ready” supporters, donations started to pour into the Manassas office, either by in-person drop-offs or via Amazon, where we had published a list of desired items. We collected enough to load up two trailers filled with linens (blankets, sheets, towels), food, cleaning supplies, hygiene products and other necessities. The Grundy team especially appreciated the effort as they were able to replenish their supplies which they were sharing with Kentucky communities with what was coming in from our shipments.

We would like to particularly thank our local partners, All Saints Church in Manassas, and the Lions Clubs, in particular the Stafford Lions Club from Fredericksburg, who made countless trips to our office to drop off carloads of food, linens and other items.  After sorting and boxing the donated items, our volunteer JD Dominicis drove two loads of donations to Grundy.

St. Joseph Clinic, Haiti Update

In Haiti, students take a year of residency as part of medical school. These students are colloquially called Social Doctors. Dr Detus and Dr Jeudi have been with St. Joseph Clinic since late last year and will be leaving soon. The Clinic will receive two new Social Doctors in October.

St. Joseph Clinic partners with the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP). MSPP provides some of the medicines and equipment for the Clinic. Recently they provided solar panels which replaced some of the ones that burned in a fire over two years ago. The Clinic now has more consistent access to electricity overnight for lights and some of the medical equipment. Electricity from the national grid is available for a few hours a week, sometimes.

International Rotary donated a motorcycle to help provide medical support to surrounding villages.
International Rotary donated a motorcycle to help provide medical support to surrounding villages.

The International Rotary has provided a motorcycle that will allow Community Health Workers to visit the villages around St. Joseph Clinic so that they can deliver medications and vaccines, food supplements like Medika Mamba and provide healthcare to the area.

Supplies and Equipment In and Out

Grundy, VA: Our volunteer, JD Dominicis, pulled a trailer on August 18th loaded with food and requested school supplies.

Choctaw Nation to be delivered to Choctaw nation.
Choctaw Nation to be delivered to Choctaw nation.

Choctaw Nation of Western Tennessee: Dr. Irwin drove a truck to Tennessee on August 24th to bring requested school uniforms, school supplies and sports equipment. We particularly thank our partner in Maryland who donates surplus uniforms to us annually.

Medical Missionaries providing a wheel chair for a student.
Medical Missionaries providing a wheel chair for a student.

Metz Student, Manassas: Medical Missionaries was pleased to donate a wheelchair and a walker for a Metz Middle School student after being contacted by the school Social Worker. This photo is of the student’s family with the Social Worker at the Manassas office.

Community Outreach

Catholic Herald wrote an article for Medical Missionaries 25th anniversary.  Check out their article!

Cristine Distasio presenting the work that Medical Missionaries accomplishes to faculty and community of Osbourne High School
Cristine Distasio presenting the work that Medical Missionaries accomplishes to faculty and community of Osbourne High School

Community Resource Fair at Osbourne High School, Manassas: Medical Missionaries was invited to share information with several members of the school system and the community. Our volunteer, Christine DiStasio was in attendance.

Representative Gerry Connolly: Dr. Irwin met with Marlon Dubuisson, District Director from the Representative’s office, to introduce them to the work of Medical Missionaries.

2022 PTPA National Conference: Dr. Irwin attended the Parish Twinning Program for the Americas Conference in Nashville, Tenn. which was held August 26-28. We look forward to hearing all about it when he returns.

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Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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