Medical Missionaries March 2019

Medical Missionaries Caring Hearts Online Auction

Medical Missionaries will be hosting our Caring Hearts Online Auction from April 29th through May 10th, and we are currently accepting donated items for the auction. Can you help us procure donations of gift cards to retail stores and restaurants, gift baskets, tickets to events (sports, concerts, etc), vacation experiences, etc.? Items can be mailed to us at 9590 Surveyor Ct., Manassas, VA 20110, or to arrange a drop-off time or pick-up, contact us at 703-335-1800 or  Please make sure to include donation form with your donation.


Appalachia Project

Medical Missionaries receives donations of medical supplies, clothing and household goods from individuals and other organizations such as ECHO, Inc. (Ecumenical Community Helping Others).  Volunteers process these donations, and they are delivered to areas of Appalachia that are pictured on the map above.  For many years, volunteer Bud Stanton has been our driver who makes these deliveries.  Bud grew up and worked in this area of the country and is able to help us assess how we can help these communities and decide where deliveries are made based on need and what supplies we have on hand.  We are grateful for Bud and all he does to help us serve the people of Appalachia

Aid to Africa

We recently sent medical supplies to a health center run by Caritas in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We received the photos above from them showing children and adults waiting for medical attention there. We are glad to be able to help them and continue to be grateful for our supporters and volunteers who make it possible for us to help the poor not just in the USA, but also worldwide.

St. Joseph Clinic


A medical team led by Dr. Anna Penna recently spent a week working at the St. Joseph Clinic treating patients and performing surgeries. Above are a few pictures from their time spent in Haiti. When our medical teams travel to the Clinic in Haiti, they often fly into Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. From there, they take a 5 to 6 hour bus ride to Banica, more than likely making an overnight stay there because it is not safe to travel at night.  From the DR, our volunteers travel across the border into Haiti on Army trucks (obtained and refurbished by one of our volunteers) for the couple hour bumpy ride to the Clinic on back roads, including crossing streams and rivers with no bridges.  We have wonderful volunteers, and we are grateful for the lengths that they are willing to go to fulfill our mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

We also had a construction team, led by Tim Smith, make a trip to St. Joseph Clinic to complete much needed plumbing and general construction repairs. They carried many supplies with them that they are unable to obtain in Haiti.  We know that the Fellows and  Clinic staff appreciate all that they were able to accomplish. 



Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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