Shipments of Aid in the USA and Worldwide

Did you know that Medical Missionaries sends shipments of aid to those in need in the USA and throughout the world, in addition to its work in Haiti?

Medical Missionaries NC Hurricane Relief.

In the USA, regular shipments of food, clothing, and household supplies are delivered to Appalachian “coal country,” including southwest Virginia (particularly to Buchanan County, the poorest county in the state), West Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky. By the end of 2018, we had made over 300 trips bringing supplies to Appalachia, along with supplies delivered to American Indian Reservations in the Midwest.

Medical Missionaries collects and distributes emergency relief supplies to those affected by natural disasters in the USA. In 2018, disaster relief was delivered to people affected by Hurricanes Florence and Michael in North Carolina. In previous years, supplies were brought to Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Volunteers loading container

Internationally, Medical Missionaries sends sea containers of medical equipment, and healthcare and household supplies to those in need and to help build infrastructure in very poor areas of the world, including Cameroon, Congo, Guinea Bissau, Malawi, and Syria, in addition to supplies sent to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. By the end of 2018, we had sent over 178 sea containers of supplies worldwide.

Read more about our Shipments of Aid and Hope from Medical Missionaries in recent years.

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Medical Missionaries May 2024

May flowers were blooming and Medical Missionaries was busy with the Caring Hearts Auction, sent containers overseas, partnered with other hospitals in Haiti — and that is only a taste. Read the rest in our newsletter.

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