The Medika Mamba Program that treats severe childhood malnutrition at St. Joseph Clinic in Haiti continues to grow.

Wilner Ossè, the Program Director, provides frequent education sessions about nutrition both at the Clinic in Thomassique, and in its outlying villages. Following a recent education session at the Clinic, we saw an increase in the number of malnourished children being enrolled in the Medika Mamba Program. Wilner and the Community Health Workers in the outlying villages had 69 new home visits to conduct!
Severe malnutrition is a major cause of childhood deaths in Haiti. According to UNICEF, malnutrition is the cause of more than 50% of all deaths of persons under the age of 18 in Haiti.
The Medika Mamba Program was started at St. Joseph Clinic in 2008 to fight acute childhood malnutrition in the communities it serves in the Thomassique region in Haiti’s Central Plateau.

Each week Wilner delivers health education sessions to parents before screening their children for the malnutrition program. In addition to conducting home visits for safety evaluations, utilization of water treatment systems, hygiene, and food availability, he also assigns home visits to be made by the Community Health Workers in their respective villages each month. These efforts all help to improve health and well-being of villagers in rural Haiti.
Read more about Medika Mamba and other programs at St. Joseph Clinic at: