Medical Missionaries March 2024

Better late than never? Our March newsletter is a few weeks late but full of updates! We moved to a new fundraising system, updates from our work with multiple partner organizations and the latest from Haiti.

Medical Missionaries is always focused on being good stewards of money donated to the organization. To manage fundraising, we use a third party that collects donations in a secure manner, provides reporting and includes ability to send emails to our mailing list. Recently, the third party company that we had used in the past raised their prices significantly. We looked at what was available in the market and chose a new cost effective company.

Today’s newsletter is being sent via the new company. If you choose to donate this month, please give us feedback on your experience.

Supplies In and Out

In and Out! A busy week at the Manassas office sees many groups stop in and drop off donations of medical supplies, equipment and food. The donations arrive by truck, van, car and on foot!

After packing up donated items at the office, they make their way to our warehouse on Balls Ford Road in Manassas, Va. The red pickup takes the boxes of medical supplies, and Dr. Irwin’s truck carries medical equipment. The items pictured below are from just one week of donations! Most will be sent overseas in containers, but we make sure to keep a supply of items at the office for local people in need.

We are thankful that we are so busy everyday, welcoming many donors and supporters and helping even more in need.

Jamaica: Medical Missionaries has supported Reverend Carlton by collecting and giving household, medical and hygiene supplies for his mission in Jamaica. He will transport the donations he collects from Virginia to the port in Savannah, Ga. From there, a filled container will travel to Jamaica, and its contents will be distributed to towns that the Reverend supports.

Virginia Run,Va: The community at Virginia Run in Centreville, Va. held their Spring Children’s Consignment Sale and donated clothing, toys and equipment. Donated items are already finding new homes.

Stafford Lions Club: The Stafford County International Lions Club stopped by with a full pickup. Donations included a Hoya lift, hospital bed, wheelchairs and other medical equipment and food.

All Saints Church, Manassas: Medical Missionaries was the local organization chosen in March to be the recipient of donations collected at the monthly Senior Luncheon at All Saints Church in Manassas. Thank you Tom and Janet Masarick and the Senior Luncheon guests for your support of our work.

ECHO: Brian and his volunteer Evan donated a van load full of medical equipment and supplies, household goods and food.

MESS: Julian from Ashby, Va. stopped in several times this month with his car packed full of medical equipment. He is a master packer!

Ukraine: Ret. Col. Monte Dunard recently visited the Manassas office. He is collecting medical supplies for his next trip to Poland on April 14th. Supplies will then be shipped to the frontline units in Ukraine soon after. Medical Missionaries donated Bomba socks, IV starter kits, ABD and other dressings, ambu bags, and an artificial leg, which has already claimed an owner!

Every donation given to us finds a new home!

Sierra Leone:  Medical Missionaries received this lovely thank you and photos from a young patient in Sierra Leone.  She wrote to our volunteer Judy Corcoran:   

“Thank you for helping to improve my life!”   

Thanks to Judy who sent us this message of hope and healing.  And we send a special thank you to her friends Dee and Megan, who were able to get a wheelchair with a cushion, booties and other medical supplies recently to Sierra Leone.

St. Joseph Clinic

In 2007 Medical Missionaries founded St. Joseph Clinic in Thomassique, Haiti and continues to support it.  The clinic is the most permanent medical facility in the Thomassique region which has a population of more than 200,000.  The clinic treats 45,000 patients and facilitates 720 births each year.  

In honor of World Water Day 2024, the team shared updates on the water supply in the Thomassique area and how it affects St. Joseph Clinic.

In the last few months it has been more difficult to have access to water.  Changes were made by the local population that diverted water away from St. Joseph Clinic. 

Working with local authorities, the clinic manager was able to get the clinic onto the central water distribution system.  This will still mean that the clinic will need to keep a water tank locally and treat the water, but they anticipate less outages going forward.

Medical Missionaries Celebrates Women in History Month!

This month Medical Missionaries profiled two women volunteers on Facebook. We celebrate volunteers Carolyn Little and Patti Brady Tutalo.

Read the Patti Brady Tutalo and Carolyn Little profiles on Facebook.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Medical Missionaries. We are proud and thankful for all of you who step up and help in your unique ways.

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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