Medical Missionaries Feb 2020

2020-2021 Global Health Fellows

Medical Missionaries is pleased to announce the appointment of the 2020-2021 Global Health Fellows: Ashwin Reddy, Kaitlyn Koontz, and Madelyn McCaslin, pictured above respectively. They will begin their year of service in Haiti in June 2020. Ashwin, Kaitlyn, and Madelyn will join their 30 predecessors who have served the people of Thomassique, Haiti, through this Fellowship since 2007.

The Medical Missionaries Global Health Fellowship offers recent college graduates, graduate students, or professionals interested in global health the opportunity to gain experience in health care delivery in a developing country. Fellows spend one year in Thomassique, Haiti, working at St. Joseph’s Clinic, where they act as liaisons between Medical Missionaries—the US-based organization that built and provides funding for the Clinic—and the Clinic’s all-Haitian staff. The Fellowship begins in June and ends in July of the following year.

During their year in Haiti, Fellows coordinate several health and community projects, traditional birth assistants, mobile clinics, water purification, malnutrition, salt iodization, and education.They work with community leaders to implement innovative health programs in Thomassique and its outlying villages. Fellows also fulfill a variety of administrative functions, including medication tracking, helping organize the Clinic and facilitating logistics for visiting medical teams. In addition to these responsibilities, Fellows have the opportunity to shadow the Clinic’s physicians, midwives, and nurses and assist U.S. surgeons during their visits. Read more about our newly selected Fellows.

Local Partners

We continue to network with a number of local organizations for equipment and supplies that we help organize and deliver to those in need both here in the US and internationally. Some of these organizations are Warrenton Hospice, Loudoun Free Clinic, House of Mercy Manassas, St. Luke Community Clinic in Front Royal, Hospice Care of Greater Washington, Thrift Center Manassas as well as many individual donors.

We collect items that normally would be thrown away but are actually new and unused. We process these donations and use these supplies to support our mission of helping the poorest of the poor

Construction team

Construction Team

The construction team recently visited Thomassique to help with a few projects including connecting St. Joseph Clinic to the electrical grid and building new shelving units for patient files in the archives. We are grateful for their visit and all that they did to improve the Clinic’s infrastructure.


Judy Corcoran in Rwanda

Long time Medical Missionaries volunteer, Judy Corcoran, NP is in Rwanda with medical teams treating patients in different villages throughout the country. Medical Missionaries has supported Judy’s trips over the years monetarily and with medical supplies. Judy is able to see the fruit of the work of these teams each time she returns.

In one of her recent trip reports home, Judy referenced an interesting statistic: 20 years ago, 1 in 4 Rwanda children didn’t make it to age 5. Today, that statistic is now less than 1 in 25. Judy says, “That’s a huge difference which [Medical Missionaries and other supporters] have helped me be a part of over the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We’ve helped change their nutrition and feeding programs, monitored their growth, and see to it they have been treated for all sorts of maladies.” We appreciate all of Judy’s work on behalf of the poor and are happy that we are able to support her efforts

Medical Missionaries Caring Hearts Online Auction

Medical Missionaries will be hosting our Caring Hearts Online Auction from April 27th through May 8th, and we are currently accepting donated items for the auction. Can you help us procure donations of gift cards to retail stores and restaurants, gift baskets, tickets to events (sports, concerts, etc), vacation experiences, etc.

Items can be mailed to us at 9590 Surveyor Ct., Manassas, VA 20110, or to arrange a drop-off time or pick-up, contact us at 703-335-1800 or

Please make sure to include a donation form with your donation.

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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