The Work of Medical Missionaries in 2016

Medical Missionaries had a busy year in 2016 in its efforts to serve the poor both in the USA and worldwide.

NJ Storm Relief

In the USA, Medical Missionaries provided Disaster Relief Assistance for victims of floods in West Virginia, Louisiana, and North Carolina. We also worked with other groups to send many sea containers of medical and household supplies to the needy throughout the world. Since our founding 20 years ago, we have shipped over 165 sea containers of supplies to those in need worldwide, and have provided disaster relief in the USA for victims of hurricanes, floods, and tornados. Our volunteers have also made over 300 trips to deliver supplies to Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Appalachia, and American Indian reservations in Oklahoma and South Dakota.

Our work in Haiti continues, with our focus on continuing support of St. Joseph Clinic in Thomassique which we opened in 2007. The Clinic is the only medical facility serving more than 125,000 people in Haiti’s Central Plateau, and its services continue to see significant growth.

In 2016 alone, more than 10,000 patients were seen at the Clinic for medical consultations, with another 3,396 receiving medical care at the mobile clinics conducted in Thomassique’s outlying villages.

Newborn in Haiti

In the Maternity and Infant Care Program, over 300 babies were delivered at the clinic in 2016. The program is currently staffed by 3 full-time midwives and a nurse skilled in midwifery who provide prenatal consultations, assist with births, and conduct education sessions on postpartum and newborn health.

During the year, Matwons (Traditional Birth Attendants) trained by the Clinic assisted with more than 1,500 home deliveries in Thomassique’s remote outlying villages.

In our Vaccination Program, St. Joseph Clinic continued to serve as a coordinating site for the Ministère de la SantèPublique et de la Population (MSPP, the Haitian Ministry of Health) vaccination program. Each month hundreds of mothers receive vaccinations at the Clinic, plus Community Health Workers provide vaccinations in the outlying villages of Thomassique. 

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Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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